Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Legit

Last week we had our first real milestone. Our first ultrasound. On our first trip to the OB the new baby wasn't far enough along for a heartbeat so we scheduled an ultrasound to ensure the pregnancy was viable. We had that ultrasound last Thursday and we are happy to announce that everything is fine. The little fetus was teeny tiny but we could make out a head and buds for arms and legs. More importantly we could see and hear the heartbeat. Put all of that together and we have a healthy baby on the way.

Alyce was with us for the ultrasound, but wasn't really impressed. She hasn't really grasped that she is going to be a big sister. I don't she even knows what a big sister is. Truthfully speaking we haven't really grasped the fact that we are going to be parents x 2.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeling Better

Mom is starting to feel better. Maybe it was getting out of the house for Labor Day weekend, but her appetite is returning along with her energy. I know she is starting to feel better when she ate a whole piece of cake at a birthday party. Even though her morning sickness is under control her fatigue is starting to ramp up. Over the past few days she has been going to sleep earlier and waking up feeling tired as well.

Potty Training

So potty training is starting up with Luke.  He's 3 1/2 and well lots of kids younger than him are already going down that path.  He'...