Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Rolling Over on Video

Friday, September 25, 2009
Rolling Over For Real
This morning Mom put Luke on the floor on top of his activity mat while she went into the kitchen to have some breakfast. After a while she heard Luke making a fuss. Mom went in to investigate and found Luke laying on his tummy, unable to turn back over, and getting ticked off about it.
Later in the day Mom tried to get a video for a repeat of the big event but Luke must have been shy and wouldn't complete the maneuver. Now that he is partially mobile there isn't any more laying him on the bed or couch unattended.
First Solid Food
His first solid food experience wasn't really all that excited. Mom is a bit out of practice though. She managed to spill dried rice cereal all over the floor. Mom did manage to get a few spoonfuls of food into his mouth and I think he even managed to swallow some of it. More than anything he kept smacking his lips and moving his tongue around his mouth. I'm guess it is a new experience for him and he really didn't know what to do with it. After a while either he got full or bored he didn't want anything more to do with food. Luke would close his mouth and turn his head when Mom brought up another bite to eat.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Balloon Race
Luke was a little angel during our trip to the race. He only complained once and that was because we were taking our time getting to feeding him. While there he was his usual social self. He would smile for anyone who would take the time to make eye contact with him and smile back. Mom even got some video.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
He is Getting Cuter
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Luke's First Word
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Holding His Bottle
He Found His Voice
Last night during dinner we had Luke in his chair with us while we were eating. He got unhappy so Mom brought him into the living room and laid him on his play mat. Luke was happy to be there but I think he wanted some attention. He started doing his little squeal thing while playing with the creatures hanging down above then his volume gradually grew until he was making sounds similar to a baby teradactyl. You would think he would be unhappy making sounds so loud and annoying, but no, he was more than content laying there testing out something else to play with.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Rolling Over
A few minutes before he rolled over he was in his Pack n Play and the family was outside. I came in before Mom to get cleaned up. I thought it would be fun to play a joke on mom by rolling Luke onto his tummy for Mom to find. Well she saw through my ruse and I went up to take a quick shower before dinner. About the time I turned on the water I hear a squeal from Mom downstairs. She comes racing up the stairs to tell me that Luke rolled from his tummy to his back!
Of course he hasn't done it again to prove it to me but I will take Mom's word and claim that he is now rolling over. Good job Luke we are very proud of you.
Potty Training
So potty training is starting up with Luke. He's 3 1/2 and well lots of kids younger than him are already going down that path. He...
Sorry we have been kind of bad at getting these pictures online. These are pictures from Twinkles ultrasound which was at the beginning of S...
On Tuesday Mom's morning sickness reached a crescendo as her appetite and energy hit new lows. We had some left over anti nausea medic...