Saturday, October 20, 2012


Last week we took the kids to Ringling Bros. Barnum Bailey Circus. Our friends Josh and Tammy invited us to go with their kids Gideon and Sylvie.

At first I wasn't too excited to go. But with tickets at $12 a seat I relented. The seats were pretty good and the circus was entertaining. Luke spent most of the time in my lap with his hands over his ears. It was kind of loud and he's sensitive. Luckily he didn't freak out and burst into tears like he had done earlier this year at a baseball game.

Potty Training

Luke is being just as difficult to potty train as his sister. He gets the concept and can go on command. But I think he thinks "why go to the trouble when I has a diaper on". We have both short term and long term incentives but that doesn't seem to be working. At school they are taking trips to the bathroom together and I'm thinking the peer pressure will be what pushes him. Just like his sister.

In the meantime our diaper supply is lasting longer which is nice. I'd like to be done with them permanently. There's nothing like freedom from the baby bag.

Fall Festival

Yesterday was the fall festival at Alyce's school. It was a fund raising event and by the looks of it pretty successful. It was also the first time the kids got to wear their Halloween costumes.

This year Luke is Captain America and Alyce is a purple mermaid.

At the event there was a Trunk or Treat. People decorated their vans and the kids hit everyone for candy like they were houses. It was neat and fast.

Potty Training

So potty training is starting up with Luke.  He's 3 1/2 and well lots of kids younger than him are already going down that path.  He...