Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We've Got Drugs

On Tuesday Mom's morning sickness reached a crescendo as her appetite and energy hit new lows. We had some left over anti nausea medication from her first pregnancy but we were afraid to take it without the go ahead of our doctor. Mom gave the doc a call and she got the go ahead to take medicine. On top of that we also got a prescription for more! The anti nausea drug called Zofran making her feel 90% within a few minutes of taking it. This time around it isn't working so well. It does make her feel a bit better, but her appetite isn't coming back.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Dr. Visit

Last week Mom, Alyce, and I all went to the doctor for the first visit. It was unexciting as we were too early to hear a heartbeat. So in two weeks we are going in to hear the heartbeat and maybe get an ultrasound of the baby. Alyce did very good at the office, but most of that was because I was playing with her keeping her entertained.

On the morning sickness front. Mommy is having her good days and bad days. At least she is eating something which is better than last time.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness has reared its ugly head. Mom had morning sickness with Alyce and had a horrible time with it. It was so bad that she lost 10lbs. before she was prescribed anti nausea medicine. This time around I think Mom is is handling it a bit better. I think most of it is because she has to as Alyce doesn't slow down for anyone or anything. Also, I think Mom knows to keep her stomach as full as possible. The first time around Chris would do well to keep down a few crackers. This time around she can eat a PB&J. The trick to getting a whole sandwich down is to throw up before eating it. By doing that she is getting rid of all the nasty stuff in her stomach and allows a brief window to get something down.

I expect Mom to lose a few pounds over the next 5 weeks, but she will come out the side and never look back.

Wind Up the Pregnancy Machine

I am happy to announce that we are expecting another baby! Right now the initial due date is April 15th. Woo Hoo! We are going to be parents X 2! At the moment Mom is 6 weeks 3 days pregnant.

I guess I should back up a bit. Our other child Alyce has a blog. We started it in June 2008, because I wanted to record all of thing things that she was doing before the slipped out the back door. At the time I wished I had started her blog before she was even born to document all of the events that lead up to her birth and beyond.

So here we are. I am starting a blog for our little embryo to record the goings on so that sometime in the future he/she might want to look back and see the events before it is born.

Potty Training

So potty training is starting up with Luke.  He's 3 1/2 and well lots of kids younger than him are already going down that path.  He...