Friday, August 22, 2008

Wind Up the Pregnancy Machine

I am happy to announce that we are expecting another baby! Right now the initial due date is April 15th. Woo Hoo! We are going to be parents X 2! At the moment Mom is 6 weeks 3 days pregnant.

I guess I should back up a bit. Our other child Alyce has a blog. We started it in June 2008, because I wanted to record all of thing things that she was doing before the slipped out the back door. At the time I wished I had started her blog before she was even born to document all of the events that lead up to her birth and beyond.

So here we are. I am starting a blog for our little embryo to record the goings on so that sometime in the future he/she might want to look back and see the events before it is born.

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Potty Training

So potty training is starting up with Luke.  He's 3 1/2 and well lots of kids younger than him are already going down that path.  He...